Inner Tube – White NBR Rubber, Non Toxic, and smooth and mirror- like, taste free and Odorless Complying with FDA Standards & with BFR Recommendations XXI Cat.2. Of the German Food Legislation.
Reinforcement – High Tensile Textile Plies, Helix Wire Embedded between the plies.
Cover – Blue colour rubber resistant to vegetable oils, fats, ozone, abrasion and weather. Mandrel built Food grade hose.
Suitable for Suction and Delivery of Milk, Dairy Products, Alcoholic Drinks with Low Alcoholic Content, Fruit Juices, Oily And Fatty Foodstuffs.
Temperature Resistance:
-20°C Approx. to +90°C Approx. Steam Cleaning up to +130°C ( for Max 30 Minutes)