Hose made of spiral reinforcement of rigid PVC into fine grade soft PVC. Made available in Grey / Transparent / Blue colors. A moderately flexible light duty hose for collection and conveying of air, dust and light materials. Quality PVC compounding and production techniques have made the hose with better flexibility and service life than other commercial brands. PVC material, not being nature friendly, is slowly finding its way out of market. This is mainly due to the fact that PVC hose loses flexibility fast and develops cracks all over the hose. Very poor abrasion resistance also results in poor service life. However, PVC being chemically inert and inexpensive is still mostly preferred industrial duct hose in Asian and African countries, although Polyurethane (PU) hoses with steel wire reinforcement has started replacing PVC flexible duct hoses at an enormous speed.
Well accepted hoses in Textile Machineries like OHTC (over head travelling cleaners), Carding and Drawing Machines, Comber, Blow Room, Auto Conner, humidification Plants, Dust Collection Systems, Compact Spinning machines and also for various dust collection equipment with Spinning, Ginning, Twisting, Weaving, Dying, Cutting & Stitching and hosiery – Wood working industry – as dust collector hoses for Edge banders, CNC Routers and Engravers, Planners, Sanders, Panel saws – Warm air conveyance – fine dust and light non abrasive particle removal in asbestos and Fiberglass industries. Industrial vacuum cleaners and other floor care applications – material conveying in plastic processing machineries – rubber and chemical industries.
Temperature Range:
Grey / Transparent / Blue

Depending on installation or operating conditions, the vacuum or pressure values may differ from those stated in the table. In doubtful cases, provide a description of the application you have in mind, and we will be pleased to advice you. Alternative sizes and colours, different tolerances etc. can be supplied on request. Technical Data (at 20°C)