Structure :
Hose wall made of ether grade (microbes and hydrolysis resistant) abrasion resistant polyurethane wall thickness 2.5mm with copper coated spring steel wire reinforcement. A heavy duty flexible hose with shore A -85. Hose with 2.5mm wall thickness are all of perfectly smooth inside, with high tensile and abrasion strengths and ultimate elongation. Free of softeners, halogen free, physiological safe, cadmium free and produced in line with FDA regulations. Although handling for extremely abrasive goods, please select only 2.5mm thick hose for elevated temperature use up to 100°C.
Application :
Any plastic, polymer, rubber, chemical, food and pharmaceutical industry for material handling – for auto loader (vacuum hopper loaders) for any of the auxiliary machines like mixers, dozers, pulverizers, feeders, dryers, injection molding machines and extruders. However for HOT PET Material / Glass filled material conveying where the processing (drying) temperature is very high (Temp. 120 to 180°C) you may use the following.
- Heat Resistant PU (HT-PU) Hose Temp. 145°C /160°C.
- Rigid Lined Silicon Hose (Wall Thick 3 mm) Red Colour Temp. 200°C
- Glass filled material conveying, please use PU Super Heavy Duty Hose (Wall Thick 4 mm)
Temperature range:
-40°C to + 90°C (short-term up to + 125°C)
Also available as Flame Retardant and Permanently Antistatic Versions.

Depending on installation or operating conditions, the vacuum or pressure values may differ from those stated in the table. In doubtful cases, provide a description of the application you have in mind, and we will be pleased to advice you.Alternative sizes and colours, different tolerances etc. can be supplied on request. Technical Data (at 20°C)